Mirror English Poetry– नमस्कार दोस्तों! स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेब्सायट ThePoetry के एक और नए Post में। इस Post में हमने Mirror English Poetry अप्डेट किया है। अगर आप भी Mirror English Poetry Search कर रहे है तो यह पर आपको Mirror English Poetry यहाँ मिलेंगे
जैसे- Poetry , English Poetry, mirror poetry , mirror poetry in English, Mirror English Poetry, मिलेंगे, हमें उम्मीद है आपको यह पोस्ट अच्छा लगेगा।♥️😍
I can see the flowery pink curtains that cover the open window I can feel the wild wind enter the premises and promise, to break my favourite blue lamp. I can see the black guitar which I always thoughtwas too big for my hands I can see the large poster of Messi that has loyally stayed stuck on my wall since I was 15 I am standing in front of a mirror but I cannot see my own reflection for I do not know who I am, anymore.
Tiny braids in my long brown hairfly out the back window of the car I wave at the passers-by and smile dreamilyto behave like I am in a movie That day at age 6, I told my fatherthat I wanted to be an actress. But when you are born with 3.5 kilogramsof flesh and bone instead of 2 and a half the doctor sends you back homewith a sticker that says 'This babyweighs more than average' When at life's every stage youwage a war with the words- 'Plump', 'Chubby', and even 'Cute' Noone has to humiliate you.You, already know. Noone told me that I would not become anactress because noone knew that I wanted to.
Noone told me that I wouldor would not lose any weight because noone knew that I wanted to. And so one night, standing in front of the very same mirror, with skin that screamed 'Iwant to be on the big screen!' Little, by little... I ripped it apart until the layer that wanted to act fell out.. and was flushed down the drain.
I was 12 years old when I said I wanted to change the world. But someone told me that the worldwas too large and I was too little. When I said I was one in a million, I was told that the world populationcount goes into billions. And I, I didn't fight I just went and proved them right,because that night, I cried. Until my second layer,was shred into pieces.
It's funny how you can lose so manylayers and still not lose any weight. When I wanted to sing anddance and see the world, I was pushed into a college that only taught you how to make money and instead of using this opportunity to do both, I shed. Layer by layer, I shed it all until I had no plans, no hopes no dreams, no desire to collect some goldor to grow old or to do anything at all. I shed everything, in thename of being a strong girl.
Even my tears, that were onlytrying to tell me the truth. Until one day opportunityknocked on my door It waited, and waited.It banged loud and clear but in all the shedding, I had nohands left to answer its call. I had no voice to tell it that I had beenwaiting for it all my life. Hell! I didn't even have any ears, tolisten and to know that it was there.
The human mind is a funny place,it will continue in a cycle until you tell it that thepath to growth is not round It is to be found by moving forward By moving out of your comfort zone of 'Life has madethis difficult for me and hence I'm not going to do it.' I have come to believe thatself-victimization is a drug.
Your mind lures you into giving up everythingand then makes you believe that you had nothing Your constant cries of 'Why me?!'sound like music to your brain. But they're not. They're cries of you lockedup behind walls of how fate treated you wrong I was locked up behind barsof why destiny chose only me to take through a path fullof thorns, not realizing that the only person who held thekey to that door, was me.
Noone can hurt you as muchas you can hurt yourself. I was never bullied, or torturedfor being a plump kid. I was punished by me, myself. I started excusing myself fromeverything I wanted to do by telling me that life hadmade the environment hostile That it was testing me, thatit was playing games with me, that I was its favourite experiment.
UntilI realized that victimizingmyself was like being a car driven by someone elsewith just the brakes on Except that there is no other driver It is just you and the road and youcan choose to keep moving forward or to keep taking U-turns,it is your choice.
I stand in front of the very same mirror in search for my own reflection I see nothing. Because even though I've realised it Ido not want to patch the old layers back onto my body because I wantto keep moving forward. I stand in front of the very same mirror insearch for my own reflection, I see nothing. Nothing to go back to,nothing to crib about Nothing to blame life for.
I stand in front of the very same mirrorand I search for my own reflection I, see nothing. Because it is not a mirror anymore It is the only piece of shatteredglass in the world that screams of happiness. Because it knowsthat a little girl broke it to step out of her mind's cage,to spread her wings, and to fly.
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